Contagious Comedy is a fun comedy production guaranteed to leave you smiling! I started Contagious Comedy almost 5 years ago to network within the industry and grow as a comedian. Every show is a different experience because each time the lineup changes, so you get to enjoy various types of comedy.
Recently – Contagious Comedy has taken on a new purpose – not only to make people laugh, but to do it for a good cause. I support multiple charities – two in NY called, WIN (Women In Need) & NYC PetTails and also the Ronald McDonald House in Ohio. In my life I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing family and friends. Now it’s my turn to give back.
With a handful of shows in NY & two shows in Ohio – around 800 people combined in attendance, Contagious Comedy Productions has raised close to $60,000 (cash + media exposure) for all charities mentioned above.
You can also stay up to date by downloading and listening to our Contagious Comedy podcast on iTunes. It’s never too late to spread the word! Contagious Comedy – You’ll want to catch it!
How Can We Help You?
We do anything from fundraisers, roasts, corporate parties, birthdays, weddings, etc…You name it – we’ll make it happen!